Portalkran kollapset under testløft og 11 personer omkom


Port crane takes 11 lives

A 70 tonne port crane collapsed while undergoing overload testing earlier today at the Hindustan shipyard in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, on India’s east coast – roughly half way between Chennai and Calcutta.

The crane was built and installed two years ago by marine and industrial crane manufacturer Anupam Crane Company, and was being tested following some remedial work. The rail mounted crane was carrying out a lift when it simple tipped and came crashing down. 10 of the 11 people who died were on the crane superstructure at the time it overturned.

In addition to the 11 fatalities, three others were injured. The company said that four of the deceased were shipyard employees while seven were contract workers. The shipyard had only recently outsourced the operation and management of the crane to Greenfield Company.


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