Din handlekurv er nå tom!
A scaffold delivery driver, 21, died yesterday in Eastbourne, UK, when a stillage of scaffold components dropped on him as he was lifting them with a loader crane.
According to information received from someone who arrived on the scene sometime after the incident occurred, the cause was due to a web sling failure – one of two that had been used to sling the load – with the result that the load dropped onto the operator who happened to be under the lifting area at the time.
We will update this item if and when we receive more information or photographs that offer more information.
A closer look reveals the sling failure
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Kommentar fra LSI
Feil bruk av løfteredskap, og spesielt fiberstropper er ofte årsak til ulykker under løfteoperasjoner. Les alt om løfteredskap i…..
Sikker bruk av løfteredskap utgave 10-2018,
med bl.a. følgende nytt: